My proudest moment after live 20 years (coming to 21 very soon) is I take the courage to out of my comfort zone, give it a shot for every opportunity that some fail, some are successful. Rise up from failures. Be brave and fully responsible for my life, my decision & my body.
Sounds cliche, but true! I believe every big success always starts from small steps. Are you date to start when you want to be star? Are you ready to leave your comfort zone and eager to learn outside your domain? Are you responsible for your things and don't blame others?
Many people talk about their proudest moment associated with their biggest achievement/greatest accomplishment such as graduated from college with cum laude predicate, accomplish sales KPI and other big things in your mind right now. It's not wrong, however, the readers only view your story when you at the top of the wheel. People don't know your struggle, your tears every midnight, your financial concern. It's the time to let the world know your process, not only your accomplishment.
Start view things from another side of the coins. You will find the untold story that may you unexpected before. A story that people don't talk about. A story that you should know and consider!
So, I want you to take back and rethinking accomplishment. Is you enjoy the process?
Life is now about who arrives first, it's about who survives last. Life is not about big things that you accomplish, it's about the step you take and the process you do.
Final though.
Enjoy your process. Value every step you take.
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